# Agoric CLI Commands

In general, you'll want to issue the Agoric CLI (Command Line Interface) commands in this order:

  1. agoric init $projectDir
  2. cd $projectDir
  3. agoric install
  4. agoric start (Usually with --reset)
  5. agoric deploy
  6. agoric open

# agoric init

Creates a new dapp directory named <project> with contents copied from the dapp-template argument template.


agoric init <optional arguments> <projectName>
  • projectName: Name of the new project to initialize.

Optional arguments:

  • --dapp-template <name>: Use the template specified by <name>. If this argument isn't passed, then the default dapp dapp-fungible-faucet is used.
  • --dapp-base <base-url>: The location where the dapp template can be found. If this argument isn't passed, then the default value of git://github.com/Agoric/ is used.
  • -V, --version: Outputs the version number.
  • --docker-tag <tag>: Uses the specified tag of any started Docker containers. Defaults to latest.
  • --sdk: Uses the Agoric SDK containing this program.
  • -v, --verbose: Causes the command to be run in verbose mode.
  • -h, --help: Displays help for the command.


agoric init demo

Creates a directory named "demo" with contents copied from the default dapp-template dapp-fungible-faucet.

agoric init my-first-contract --dapp-template dapp-simple-exchange

Creates a directory named my-first-contract with contents copied from the dapp-template dapp-simple-exchange.

agoric init my-contract --dapp-template dapp-skeleton --dapp-base file:///home/contracts

Creates a directory named my-contract with contents copied from a dapp-template named dapp-skeleton located under the URL file:///home/contracts.

# agoric install

Installs dapp JavaScript dependencies. This may take a while. You use this instead of established npm install tools. The reason is that there is both an SDK (--sdk) and NPM mode. Currently we only support SDK mode, which allows you to link your dapp against the SDK dependencies. This allows you to modify any package in the SDK against the SDK dependencies (and see the changes) without having to register those packages with Yarn or NPM.


agoric install <optional arguments>

Optional arguments:

  • -V, --version: Outputs the version number.
  • --docker-tag <tag>: Uses the specified tag of any started Docker containers. Defaults to latest.
  • --sdk: Uses the Agoric SDK containing this program.
  • -v, --verbose: Causes the command to be run in verbose mode.
  • -h, --help: Displays help for the command.

# agoric start

Runs an Agoric VM on which contracts can run.


agoric start <optional arguments>

Optional arguments:

  • profile: Specifies the environment for the VM. Setting this argument to testnet connects the VM to our current testnet. If this argument isn't passed, then the default value of dev (representing the development mode) is used.
  • --reset: Clears all VM state before starting.
  • --pull: For Docker-based VMs, pulls the images before running.
  • --delay [seconds]: Accounts for processing time in the simulated chain by delaying each round-trip to it by the specified number of seconds. The default value is 1, which lets you easily count the number of trips in your head. If this argument isn't passed, then the seconds of delay will be set from the numeric value of the FAKE_CHAIN_DELAY environment variable (or zero if there is no such variable).
  • --inspect [host[:port]]: Activates inspector on host:port. The default value is "".
  • --inspect-brk [host[:port]]: Activates inspector on host:port and breaks at start of script. The default value is "".
  • -V, --version: Outputs the version number.
  • --docker-tag <tag>: Uses the specified tag of any started Docker containers. Defaults to latest.
  • --sdk: Uses the Agoric SDK containing this program.
  • -v, --verbose: Causes the command to be run in verbose mode.
  • -h, --help: Displays help for the command.


agoric start --reset

Restarts the Agoric VM, clearing all existing state before doing so.

agoric start --pull

Before running docker-based VMs, pulls the image.

agoric start --delay 5

Configures a 5 second processing time for each round-trip to the simulated chain.

# agoric deploy

Runs one or more deployment scripts against the local Agoric VM. You may optionally specify which host and port to connect to the VM on.


agoric deploy <optional arguments>

Optional arguments:

  • Positional Arguments:
    • <script...>: Deployment script(s) to run against the local Agoric instance. You must specify at least one, and may specify more than one.
  • Options:
    • --hostport <HOST:PORT>: Host and port on which to connect to the VM.
    • -h, --help: Display help for deploy command


agoric init demo

Creates a directory named "demo" with contents copied from the default dapp-template dapp-fungible-faucet.

agoric init my-first-contract --dapp-template dapp-simple-exchange

Creates a directory named my-first-contract with contents copied from the dapp-template dapp-simple-exchange.

agoric init my-contract --dapp-template dapp-skeleton --dapp-base file:///home/contracts

Creates a directory named my-contract with contents copied from a dapp-template named dapp-skeleton located under the URL file:///home/contracts.

  • Examples:
    • Run the specified deploy.js scripts against the local Agoric VM.
      • agoric deploy ./contract/deploy.js ./api/deploy.js
    • Run the specified deploy.js scripts on VM host and port 99.
      • agoric deploy --hostport ./contract/deploy.js

# agoric open

Launches the Agoric UI. By default, only the UI is shown, not the REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop). To show both the UI and REPL, or only the REPL, see the --repl optional argument below.


agoric open <optional arguments>

Optional arguments:

  • Positional Arguments
    • None
  • Options
    • --hostport <host:port>: Host and port on which to connect to the VM (default: "").
    • --no-browser: Display the UI's URL, but don't open a browser.
    • --repl [yes | only | no]: Whether to show the Read-Eval-Print loop. Defaults to yes if specified (see Examples below)
    • -h, --help: Display help for open command.


agoric init demo

Creates a directory named "demo" with contents copied from the default dapp-template dapp-fungible-faucet.

agoric init my-first-contract --dapp-template dapp-simple-exchange

Creates a directory named my-first-contract with contents copied from the dapp-template dapp-simple-exchange.

agoric init my-contract --dapp-template dapp-skeleton --dapp-base file:///home/contracts

Creates a directory named my-contract with contents copied from a dapp-template named dapp-skeleton located under the URL file:///home/contracts.

  • Examples
    • Launch only the Agoric UI in a browser
      • agoric open
    • Display the Agoric UI's URL, but don't open it in a browser.
      • agoric open --no-browser
    • Display only the REPL for the Agoric UI in a browser.
      • agoric open --repl only
    • Display both the Agoric UI and the REPL in a browser (--repl defaults to yes).
      • agoric open --repl

# agoric help

Displays the Agoric CLI commands and arguments with brief descriptions.


agoric help <optional arguments>

Optional arguments:

  • -V, --version: Outputs the version number.
  • --docker-tag <tag>: Uses the specified tag of any started Docker containers. Defaults to latest.
  • --sdk: Uses the Agoric SDK containing this program.
  • -v, --verbose: Causes the command to be run in verbose mode.
  • -h, --help: Displays help for the command.